Headstone Transcriptions

Enlistments for the
Great War (WW I)
From the Narrogin District

Extract from the Narrogin Review published in 1936.
Memorial I - Maurie White
Narrogin WWI Honour Roll

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The following information has been combined from the three sources as listed above.
The names were, in most cases recalled from the memory of interviewees and could possibly be in error.  Spelling may not be correct; initials may be transposed or erroneous.
I have been able to find Service Numbers for most of those who did not return, but many names are very common and difficult to match. If I find them in the future, they will be added.
Acres, John Joseph.
S/N 1013
Addi(er)son, Donald McGraw
S/N 201
Adcock, Campbell Wyndham.
S/N 11051
Ainsworth, Thomas William James.
S/N 3702. Killed in Action
30 May 1916
Allen, George William Spencer,
S/N 6473
Anderson, James.
S/N 3928
Andrews, Frederick Cudmore.
S/N 2313
Archibald, Matthew.
S/N 2636. Killed in Action
10 August 1916
Armit, Andrew
S/N 3167
Armstrong, Herbert.
S/N 8556. Died of Wounds
3 September 1918
Armstrong, William Angus Lesly
S/N 76
Arundel, Ernest Richard.
S/N 4651. Died of Wounds
30 March 1917
Ashby, J.A. (?Herbert)
S/N 3002
Atkinson/Atkins, George.
S/N 4554
Attwater, Percy William.
S/N 322
Attwood, Charles Nevill
S/N 1778
Austin, Leslie Douglas
S/N 3772
Ayers, Harry Leslie
S/N 819
Aylward, Sidney John.
S/N 6231
Ayre, W.
Bailey, Charles.
S/N 5807
Baird, H.C. Baker, David.
S/N 2635. Died of Disease
21 October 1918
Baker, F.W.
Baker, James Thomas.
S/N 1708
Baker, John Albert.
S/N 7700
Baldwin, Arthur Wilfred.
S/N 2288. Killed in Action
August 1915
Ballantine, Peter.
Barnes, Thomas.
Barr, Alfred George.
S/N 5050. Killed in Action
6 August 1916
Barr, G.
Refer Barr, Alfred George
Barron, D.
Refer Barron, David John
Barron, David John.
S/N 2867
Barron, John.
S/N 1892
Barron, Sydney James.
S/N 5061
Barry, P. Bartlett, James.
S/N 3801. Killed in Action
4 September 1916
Bates, A. Baylis, J. Bean, J.
Refer Johnston, Irvine
Bear, Arthur Edward.
S/N 4750
Bearson, J, Beaton, R. Beattie, Andrew.
S/N 611
Beckley, Aubrey John Arkell.
S/N 1673
Bedwell, William Alexander.
S/N 7829
Bell, George H Bennett, H Bennett, H.G Bennetts, Gilbert Henry.
S/N 4154
Bennetts, Joseph.
S/N 4042
Bernard, Alfred Betty, Albert Edward
S/N 371
Beverley, Thomas Caine.
S/N 1983. Killed in Action
28 September 1916
Bielby, Walter.
S/N 1724. Killed in Action
c25 July 1916
Biggins, Frederick.
S/N Not listed
Billings, J.W.
S/N 2546. Died of Wounds
22 August 1918
Billings, T. Billman, A.E. Bilsby, J.J.
Bingham, Arthur Edward.
S/N 5338
Bingham, Austin Henry.
S/N 5339. Killed in Action
30 August 1916
Blain, M. A. Blanchard, Alfonso James
S/N 5991. Died PoW
20 August 1917
Bland, A.E.
S/N 6845
Blight, C.
Possibly S/N 1545
Blight, Frederick William.
S/N 373
Blight, William Laurence Claude.
S/N 1545
Blyth, John James.
S/N 943. Died of Disease
24 February 1919
Bole, Harold.
S/N 5063. Killed in Action
11 August 1916
Bolin, Percy.
S/N 1166
Bonney, J.
Possibly S/N 784
Bonney, John Noel.
S/N 784. Died of Illness
18 October 1918
Bonney, Victor.
S/N 2682
Boothey, Frank Leslie.
S/N 6480
Boothey, G.J. Boothey, Leonard Roy.
S/N 6479. Killed in Action
19 September 1917
Boothey, William John.
S/N 3609
Bovey, Thomas.
S/N 1865
Boyes, Charles Victor (listed as CY_
S/N 323. Killed in Action
26 September 1917
Boyes, William E.
S/N 348
Boyle, Duncan Grant.
S/N 1366
Brand, A.J. Brennan, Dean Aloysius
Brisco, Herbert George.
S/N 1260. Killed in Action
29 July 1916
Brison, G.H. Brittain, J / Bitton John Charles.
S/N 3489
Broad, T.C Brock, H.J Brocke, B
Brough Herbert.
S/N 21700
Brown, H.J.
S/N 7339
Brown, Jack, 1610
S/N 1610
Brown, James Henry
S/N 4391
Bruce, E.J.
Buck, Ronald.
S/N 2457
Buckland, Phillip Percival.
S/N 102
Buckthought. Frederick.
S/N 5055
Budd, Albert Howard.
S/N 13683
Bull, William Stanley.
S/N 4020
Bullock, F. Bunworth, Joseph Francis.
S/N 1594. Killed in Action
2 May 1915
Burkett, Richard.
S/N 6007. Killed in Action
6 May 1917
Burley, Frank A.
Burley, Robert Allan.
S/N 230. Killed in Action
29 July 1916
Burley, Sidney John Campbell
Burns, John Dempster.
S/N 3055. Killed in Action
29 July 1916
Burtenshaw, E.G. Burton, Stephen Matthews.
S/N 3
Bushby, Alfred
S/N 2138A
Bushby, Frederick
S/N 3357
Bushby, James
S/N 898. Killed in Action
12 August 1917
Butler, C, Butler, George
S/N 2783
Cable, Patrick. Calvo, C.
S/N 3434
Cameron Robert
S/N 2950
Cameron, P. Camm, A.
Campbell, Archibald
S/N 356
Campbell, George Deans. 4469
S/N 4469
Campbell, Thomas
S/N 2869
Canny, D.E. Cardwell, Edward Thomas Bailes.
S/N 7986
Cardwell, H.J. Carroll, M. Carter, L. Causebrooke, John
S/N 9441
Chamberlain, -.
Chapman, C Charge, Cyrus Edward
S/N 3069
Charlick, Harry Robert
S/N 1952
Cheary, Wilfred.
S/N 3491. Killed in Action
abt. 16 August 1916
Childs, Harry.
S/N 1737. Killed in Action
2 September 1916
Clark, J. Clarkson, A.D Clayton, John Henry.
S/N 195. Died of Wounds
30 August 1915
Clements, William John.
S/N 872. Died of Wounds
9 November 1916
Clough, John Oswald.
S/N 1784
Clouting, Frederick Herbert
S/N 6307
Clunas, John Clark.
S/N 7717
Cohen, Doug.
S/N 427. Killed in Action
20 July 1916
Cole, Arthur Owen. 4320
S/N 4320
Cole, Leslie James
S/N 384
Collins, Michael
S/N 11995. Killed in Action
27 September 1918
Collins, Robert Edward. 968
S/N 968
Collins, William
S/N 5077
Collins, William Albert
S/N 5078
Collinson, John.
S/N 967
Colwill, William James.
S/N 2790. Killed in Action
12 October 1917
Connaughton, Thomas.
S/N 1797. Died of Wounds
5 August 1917
Cook, George Frederick
(?)S/N 2306
Cooke, Joseph Henry.
S/N 883. Killed in Action
2 May 1915
Cooney, Patrick Joseph.
S/N 2885A
Corbett, Ernest
Corbett, E.J. Corbett, Thomas William
S/N 1462
Coulton, D.
S/N 4304
Cousins, Michael.J.
S/N 326
Creber, William H.
No S/N
Crossley, Francis William
S/N 1766
Crouch, Eddie.
S/N 1555
Crye, James Richard.
S/N 1112
Culling, John William
S/N 313. Killed in Action
2 May 1915
Cundy, William Elliot
S/N 5822A
Currie, Alexander Manson.
S/N 4851. Killed in Action
11 April 1917
Curteis/Curtis, Fleetwood Ashburnham.
S/N 4764.
Curtis, E.P. Curtis, George Ness.
S/N 919. Killed in Action
10 June 1916
Cuthbertson, Nathaniel
S/N 7041A
Dack, Frank.
S/N 613. Killed in Action
29 August 1915
Dale, Frederick George.
S/N 104
Dalling, George.
S/N 390. Killed in Action
29 August 1915
Danaher, Robert Harold.
S/N 5826
Darcey/Darcy, George
S/N 4414
Davenport, Charles Victor
S/N 455
Davey, Frederick Alfred
S/N 21100
Davies, Leopole Alfred
S/N 3505
Davies, Richard Thomas
S/N 906
Davies. Robert William.
S/N 6402A. Killed in Action
20 September 1917
Davis, George Patrick
S/N 3043. Killed in Action
3 September 1916
Davis, Herbert William
S/N 2809
Davis, L A Davis, R.W. Davis, William Harold.
S/N 52140
Dawson, L.A Day, C Day, Harold George
S/N 2809. Died of Wounds
4 October 1917
Deal, Albert
S/N 3817
Dedman, Alfred
S/N 3044
Dedman, George.
S/N 4594. Killed in Action
6 April 1918
Dedman, Thomas William
S/N 7723
Dodds, B. Dodds, W. Dolton, C.S
Donaldson, Joseph Albert.
S/N 2763. Killed in Action
13 April 1918
Donnelly, Harold Roland
S/N 1746
Dowling, R Downey, William.
S/N 2155
Dowsett, John Henry
S/N 5832
Drabble, Wilfred Ernest.
S/N 4415. Killed in Action
10 November 1916
Duckham, John Henry.
S/N 2074. Killed in Action
23 March 1917
Duffell, G. Dun, Douglas. Duncan, Bruce Stanford
S/N 57536
Duncuff, Albert
S/N 5079
Dunn, Clarence Patrick.
S/N 2138. Killed in Action
3 September 1916
Dunn, Thomas.
S/N 2323. Died of Illness
7 February 1917
Dunning, Harold Frank
S/N 3090
Dunning, Frederick Thomas
S/N 3089
Dunstall, Charles Guy
S/N 1803
Dyson, H.G. Dyson, William
S/N 1803
East, Herbert Harold.
S/N 1662. Died of Wounds
Edge, Robert Richard
S/N 6318
Elliott, A. Elliott, B. Elliott, Herbert Anthony
S/N 6097
Elliott, Wilfred
S/N 4600
Eriksen, Christen
S/N 6606
Evans, Arthur William
S/N 1928. Killed in Action
29 July 1916
Evans, E.P.E. Evans, Harry
S/N 6259
Evans, Roger Palfrey
S/N 4503
Ewing, Clarence Darcy
S/N not issued
Ewing, Robert John Lennard
S/N 2766
Eyden, Leslie William.
S/N 2208. Died of Wounds
26 August 1915
Facey, Albert Barnet
S/N 1536
Fahey, Francis William
S/N 1568
Fairhead, Bertram
S/N 4427
Fairhead, Cecil Roland
S/N 3572
Fairhead, Leo
S/N 4428
Fairhead, N. Fairhead, R. Farr, Albert Edward
S/N 2052
Faulkner, Austin.
S/N 194
Featherstone, Ernest
S/N 2147
Featonby, George James.
S/N 2368. Killed in Action
6 August 1915
Ferguson, F. Ferris, A. Few, Charles
S/N 4790. Killed in Action
17 July 1917
Finlay, D.H
Finnigan, J.H. Firkin, Joseph Benjamin.
S/N 3002. Killed in Action
6 January 1917
Fisher, Christian Clyde
S/N 1259
Fisher, James Thomas
S/N 328
Fleming, J.
Fletcher, R. Folland, Malvern Plympton
S/N 3933. Killed in Action
11 April 1918
Folland, Vivian Iceley
S/N 4035
Foord, Bertram.
S/N 5630. Killed in Action
23 September 1916
Forbes, B.
Fordham Charles Thomas.
S/N 1535. Killed in Action
11 October 1916
Forsyth, J. Forsyth, Joseph Greig
S/N 6995
Forsyth, Samuel Charles
S/N 6265
Forrester, -
Fox, Marshall Treggellis.
S/N 1462. Killed in Action
1 August 1915
Francis, J, Franzi, N.B. Freeman-Smith, Dereck Charles
S/N 7720. Killed in Action
19 July 1918
French, Albert Henry Victor,
S/N 3032. Killed in Action
1 December 1917
French, Leslie John
S/N 3178
Furze, Norman Burchell
S/N 964A
Furze, Reginald Arthur.
S/N 1265, Killed in Action
12 August 1917
Fyfe, Alex A. Fyfe, Alexander Howard Parker.
Lieutenant. Killed in Action
26 September 1917
Fyfe, Arthur Alfred
S/N 6493
Fyfe, V.
Gannon, Joseph Thomas
S/N 1266
Gard, John Henry
S/N 2160
Gartrell, Allan Bertram
S/N 5361
Gascoyne, John. Gatenby, George Hudson.
S/N 2157. Killed in Action
29 July 1916
Gath, William Albert
S/N 4434
Gee, Ernest
S/N 3654
Gellatly, William.
S/N 1770. Killed in Action
6 August 1915
Giles, H Gill, Henry
S/N 3233
Gillett, A.B. Gillett, A.S.C. Gillett, Ernest A.
S/N 3233
Gillett, H Gillett, John Joseph
S/N 1807
Gilman, Oswald
S/N 5102
Godfrey, Frederick Albon
S/N 3859
Golding, W. Goldsmith, James Arthur
S/N 5096
Goodhew, Reginald Albert
S/N 2863
Goodwin, T. Gordon, Alexander
S/N 757
Gordon, Charles George
S/N 1544
Gould, Richard Baxter.
S/N 1390. Died of Wounds
2 April 1918
Gould, William Norman
S/N 3383
Graham, James
S/N 6098
Grainger, J Granger, W.
Possibly S/N 287
Granger, W.R.
Possibly S/N 287
Granger, William George Reginald.
S/N 287. Killed in Action
5 November 1917
Gray, H Gray, William
S/N 3468
Green, James Albert
S/N 3937
Green, William Haworth
S/N 20172
Grey, William
S/N 3468
Grogan, J.D Grundy, W.R. Guard, W. Gunston, Robert William
S/N 3529
Guter, George,
Hadlow, A. Hainsworth, Harold.
S/N 3382. Died of Disease
19 March 1917
Hale, Frank Leslie
S/N 1716
Hale, Henry George.
S/N 964. Killed in Action
10 August 1916
Hales, A.
Hales, H.G. Hallam, Edmund John.
S/N 1545. Died of Disease
24 October 1915
Hallam, F. J. Halliday, Robert Michael.
S/N 2478. Died of Wounds
11 August 1915
Halwill, W.T.
Hamblett, F.W Hamlin, Herbert Bowen.
Major. Died of Disease
30 May 1919
Hammond, C Hamon, C
S/N 4444
Hampden, W.A,
Hancock, A.
Possibly S/N 828
Hankin, H. Hanmer, Hansen, Hans
S/N 3610
Hardwick, James Richard George
S/N 2832. Died of Disease
5 November 1918
Harman, William James
S/N 5108
Harris, P.
S/N 3264
Harrison, G Hart, Clarence Edgar
S/N 2578
Hart, F.
Hart, Leslie William.
S/N 865. Killed in Action
20 July 1916
Hart, Percy
S/N 3384
Hart, R.H. Harvey, Leslie Jeffery
S/N 3384
Hawkins, H
Hawlitt, J. Hayles, Harold Benjamin
S/N 1031
Hayman, Leandre Frederick
S/N 3108
Haynes, Henry Edward.
S/N 4811. Killed in Action
20 October 1917
Hayward (Haywood), Charles
S/N 2876
Head, Clifton Lawn
S/N 4442
Hedley, Stanley
S/N 4812
Heffernan P.J Hegarty, James Thomas
S/N W74196
Heinrich, R
Hemmingway, G Henderson, Francis George.
S/N 4440. Killed in Action
c6 November 1916
Hepburn, Neil James
S/N 2838
Herdsman W Hewitt, Ernest Henry.
S/N 7484. Died of Illness
31 July 1917
Hickey, Ernest Leslie
S/N 4813
Hickinbotham, Thomas Leonard.
S/N 3819. Killed in Action
20 July 1916
Hicks, George Eaton
S/N 4520
Hickson, ---, Hill, H.
Hill, Rowland.
S/N 3822. Killed in Action
22 July 1916
Hill, W. Hillier, Henry.
S/N 5375. Killed in Action
3 May 1917
Hills, Harry
S/N 1781
Hind, R.
Hinds, Charles Cyril
S/N 2485
Hogg, John Thomas
S/N 4814
Holden T, Hole, Frederick George
S/N 2618
Holloway, Vincent
S/N 3833
Holwill, W. Holmes, Charles
S/N 3824
Holt, William Edward
S/N 1820
Honeyman, D. Horley, Charles Leonard Frederick
S/N 2139
Horne, Frederick Charles
S/N 6094
Hosken, Leonard James
S/N 2387
Houghton, Roy
S/N 6264
Howe R, Howlett (Hawlitt), John William
S/N 2667
Hughes, Edgar Clifford
S/N 2657A
Hummerston, Leslie Freeman
S/N 5601. Killed in Action
9 October 1917
Hungerford, William.
S/N 1782. Killed in Action
1 August 1915
Huntley, H. Hurst, William
S/N 2819
Hurst, W.G. Hymus, George Moore
S/N 4825
Ingram, A.C. Ingram, Archibald William Ingram, Ernest John
S/N 916
Ingram, Lindsay Garfield.
S/N 3393
Ingram, Percy Roy
S/N 2691
Ivy, E. Izod, Henry Arthur.
S/N 3857
Jacka, Frederick Samuel.
S/N 5031
James, A. James, A.W. James, W. James, W.H.
Jenkins, W. Job, Herbert William
S/N 5350
Johns, Arthur Frank Trevener
S/N 1746
Johns, Charles William
S/N 3863
Johns, Frank,
Johnson, A.L. Johnson, A.S. Johnson, H. Johnson, J.W. Johnson, W.S
Johnston, Harold
S/N 1239
Johnston, Irvine. aka John Bean.
S/N 3263. Died of Wounds
10 June 1917
Jones, Albert,
Jones, Frederick Charles
S/N 3257
Jones, John James
S/N 4636
Jones, Percy Morris
S/N 1024
Jones, William Hartley
S/N 3084
Keeler, Reginald
S/N 25896
Keenan, Joseph
S/N 3061
Keillor, David
S/N 2406
Keillor, Thomas Balfour.
Lieutenant. Killed in Action
7 October 1918
Kelly, Arthur,
S/N 6280
Kelly, Edmund
S/N 2624
Kelly, Francis Michael.
S/N 3164. Killed in Action
3 November 1916
Kelly, J Kelman, George lemon
S/N 24529
Kemp, V.
Kempton, J.W.G. Kennedy, Ernest J.
S/N 197
Kennedy, Joseph
S/N 548
Kennedy, John.
S/N 4074. Killed in Action
28 August 1917
Kennedy, William Thomas
S/N 2398
Kerr, Roy Joseph
S/N 4459
Kerrigan, Thomas Michael
S/N 2625
Kirkpatrick, Robert Leigh
S/N 4842. Died of Wounds
5 July 1915
Kilty, Patrick John
S/N 1187
King, A Kirby, Nathaniel Albert.
S/N 6285. Died of Wounds
21 September 1918
Kirkpatrick, Robert Leigh.
S/N 4842. Died
5 July 1917
Knowles, Alfred
S/N 4465
Knox, J.F
Knyaston, B
Lacey, Frederick,
S/N 2544. Died of Wounds
c5 April 1918
Lakeland, Thomas Victor.
S/N 430. Killed in Action
10 September 1915
Langford, George
S/N 18481
Langley, William
S/N 2353
Larke, Harold
S/N 1887
Larwood, Alfred
S/N 6622
Larwood, John Thomas
S/N 7575
Law, John Allen.
S/N 2777. Killed in Action
3 September 1916
Lawrence, A.G. Lawrence, H.R.
Le Lievre, G. Lee, Robert Stanley
S/N 3879
Lee-Thomas, Henry
S/N 959. Killed in Action
8 January 1918
Lees, A.J. Leishman, Thomas Robertson.
S/N 2000. Killed in Action
4 June 1917
Leivesley, Robert
S/N 8815
Leon, C. Leslie, W. Lever, Frederick
S/N 5135
Levitt, Roger F.
S/N 2705. Killed in Action
15 August 1916
Levitt, Thomas
Possibly a munitions worker
Recruited to work in the UK
Lewis, G. Lewis, Henry Geo Lewis, James
S/N 3080. Killed in Action
16 April 1917
Lewis, Walter Kenneth
S/N 81
Liddington, Herbert George.
S/N 3178. Killed in Action
4 October 1917
Littler, Charles Eric
S/N 2709
Lucas, Frank
S/N 5646
Lucas, James Gilson
S/N 2709
Lucas, Sydney Roy
S/N 2410
Luckey, Harry Bartrop.
S/N 3511. Died of Disease
5 January 1918
Lunn, D. Lurssen, Frederick
S/N 1720
Mackie, Alec MacLeod, Alexander John
S/N 1902
MacLeod, Alistair Fergus
S/N 1412
MacLeod, J.W. Magee, John Owen
Main, William Elliott
S/N 6057. Killed in Action
11 April 1917
Major, Phillip George
S/N 2682
Mann, James Pugh.
S/N 16040. Died of Disease
26 May 1916
Mann, Percy
S/N 644
Manning, H.P
Markey, J.P Marshall, Frank Keith
S/N 1077
Marshall, George.
S/N 6605. Died of Wounds
24 November 1917
Martens, Frederick Lloyd
S/N 1027
Martens, William Henry.
S/N 4250
Martin, A.H. Martin, F.C. Martin, John Alfred.
S/N 4489. Killed in Action
25 May 1918
Martin, W. Martins, Fred G.
Mason, A. Mason, Ernest Mason, Frederick Francis
S/N 1835
Masterson, J. Mathews, W.
Matheson, Henry Thomas Matthews, Alfred James
S/N 4478. Died of Wounds
4 November 1917
Matthews, A.E Mawson, W. May, B.
May, Harry
S/N 1090
McCall, Norman
S/N 3375
McCall, Robert
S/N 3305
McCormick, Claude Rutherford.
S/N 1721 . Killed in Action
31 July 1918
McCormick, Leslie Rutherford
S/N 1261
McCracken, Joseph
S/N 3873
McCracken, Theodore James
S/N 3589
McCrae, Alexander
S/N 3900
McCrae, D. McCrae, Kenneth Jewell Gordon
McCulloch, Alexander
S/N 1011. Killed in Action
19 July 1916
McDonald, D McDonald, H McDowell, James.
S/N 1012. Killed in Action
6 December 1917
McGarrigal, Cecil.
S/N 628
McGarrigal, J. McGarrigal, Rupert James
S/N 1631
McGinnis, Arthur
S/N 1028
McGrath, A.P. McGrath, John Joseph
S/N 5036
McInerney, Francis Robert.
S/N 4780. Killed in Action
20 September 1917
McInerny, James
S/N 4965
Mcintyre, Alexander
S/N 316
McKee, R. McKenzie, Nat
McLaughlin, W. McLavin, G.M. McLavin, Joseph Michael
S/N 6498
McLean, E.N. McLean, J.
McLeod, D. McLeod, J. Mclnnes, Irvin.
S/N 2418. Killed in Action
29 July 1916
McMahon, - McNab, John
S/N 2299
McNee, Robert
S/N 3137
McNeill, W. (?McNiel) McNess, Herbert
S/N 1009. Killed in Action
20 July 1916
McNinn, H.T. McPherson, F
S/N 4316
McPherson, N.J. McWhirr, Peter
S/N 7274
McWhirter, J. Meikle, Peter Menzies, D.
Menzies, W.A. Menzies, Walter Leslie.
S/N 6061/ Killed in Action
28 July 1918
Messenger, John Thomas.
S/N 1756. Killed in Action
10 August 1916
Mettam, C.H. Mettam, Charles Alfred
S/N 1980
Miller, Alexander Cook
S/N 7516
Miller, C.E. Miller, J. Miller, N. Miller, Thomas
S/N 1976
Miller, Wm. Minchin, H. Mindner, Charles Henry.
S/N 3195. Killed in Action
29 July 1916
Mitchell, J.B. Moloney, A.
Moore, James
S/N 634
Moore, William Reid.
Lieutenant. Killed in Action
5 November 1916
Moran, - Morphett, Herbert Hurtle.
S/N 1972. Killed in Action
25 April 1918
Morris, E.J.
Morrison, Alexander Campbell White.
S/N 2605. Killed in Action
16 October 1917
Morrison, Arthur.
S/N 6300. Died
7 August 1917
Mortimer, J. Mouritz, Frederick Mowday, Moses Hubert
S/N 1043
Moyse, Samuel Ellis.
S/N 2912. Killed in Action
6 August 1916
Muir, Charles Alexander
S/N 2726
Mullan, C.A. Murray, Daniel Penman.
S/N 1988. Killed in Action
6 April 1917
Myers, Fergus Kenneth
S/N 2053
Nagel, George Nairn, William Nankerville, H. Nash, H.C. Nash, Harry
Norton, Wilfred
S/N 5414
Ness, Stanley Thomas
S/N 4429
Neston, J.A. Neville, S. Newman, Henry
Newton, Isaac Newton, R. Newton, R.V. Nicholls, P.H. Nicholls, R.H.
Nicholson, Edgar Nicholson, Joseph Elderman
S/N 7125
Nickson, William
S/N 1810
Nind, A. Nixon, W.
Noblett, Frederick.
S/N 2409. Killed in Action
24 July 1916
Norton, Wilfrid.
S/N 5414. Killed in Action
10 June 1918
Nottage, Edgar Elliot.
S/N 7364. Killed in Action
8 June 1918
Novell, Jesse
S/N 36175
Nye, Eric Hans Orton
S/N Captain
O'Connell, James Adolphus
S/N 7277. Killed in Action
27 April 1918
O'Connor, Dominick Patrick.
S/N 3910. Killed in Action
15 April 1917
O'Connor, P. Ogilvie, R.M. O'Keeffe, Michael.
S/N 3391. Died of Wounds
11 June 1918
Okely, Edwin Joseph
S/N 360
Okley, H.R.
S/N 5170
Olden, Arthur Charles Niquet
O'Mara, Mathias.
S/N 6344. Died at Sea
14 August 1917
O'Rourke, Samuel.
S/N 2512. Killed in Action
8 August 1915
O'Rourke, Thomas
S/N 7038
O'Rourke, William.
S/N 4273. Killed in Action
C25 July 1916
Orr, George Wood.
S/N 4499. Killed in Action
10 October 1916
O'Shea, William Joseph
S/N 1023
Otley, J.
Overend, William
S/N 4439
Owen, George Powell
S/N 6800
Oxman, Alfred William.
S/N 4684. Killed in Action
11 April 1917
Palethorpe, Ralph Lishman
S/N 7772. Died of Wounds
21 May 1918
Palmer, Reginald Alfred Johnson.
S/N 3913. Killed in Action
25 July 1916
Palmer, William Thomas G.
S/N 4156
Parker, Charles Parry, William
S/N 4156
Parsons, Harold Fuller.
S/N 2389. Killed in Action
15 October 1917
Parsons, J. Parsons, Leslie
S/N 189
Pascoe, A.S. Pascoe, P.
Pattison, Horace John Beckins.
S/N 4689. Killed in Action
30 September 1916
Pavitt, George.
S/N 729. Killed in Action
2 May 1915
Paxman, Ernest Jason
S/N 7062
Payne, V.M. (Sister) Peacock, R.W.
Peden, Charles
S/N 5179
Pedlar, Morton Candey
S/N 198
6 August 1915
Pedley, Ernest Victor Starkey.
S/N 1816. Died of Wounds
6 August 1915
Pennefather, Thomas.
S/N 3088. Killed in Action
16 February 1917
Penny, Ernest William.
S/N 966. Killed in Action
7 August 1915
Pentilla, Christopher.
S/N 2540. Died of Disease
8 October 1915
Petchell, George Floyed
S/N 3367
Petchell, R. Petchell, William Henry
S/N 4884
Peters, William Vivian
S/N 52097
Peterson, Christopher
S/N 5889
Pethybridge, Joseph Stanley.
S/N 2703. Killed in Action
25 April 1918
Phillis, Alexander Kenneth
S/N 2066
Pike, H. Pike, Patrick Vincent
S/N 56386
Pitcher, Sidney Amos
S/N 2440
Police, George Nicholas
Pollard, F. Pond, Arthur Charles.
S/N 6558. Killed in Action
10 August 1918
Pope, Albert Humphrey
S/N 2440
Porter, Abel.
S/N 898. Killed in Action
25 July 1916
Porter, J. Porter, Thomas B.
S/N 2889
Poulter, F. Pound, George
Powell, William John
S/N 5164
Power, James
Power, Sydney Preston, Joseph Robert
S/N 3981
Price, Albert William
S/N 5421
Price, Leslie Cecil.
S/N 219. Killed in Action
2 August 1915
Primrose, Hugh
S/N 1817
Prims, R. Prince, H. Probert, Seth
S/N 2876
Pryce, David George.
S/N 5793. Died of disease
17 September 1917
Pryce, Shelly Morton
S/N W16345
Quinn, J.J. Quinn, Thomas
S/N 4445
Rabbish, Rupert Gordon.
S/N 4729. Killed in Action
17 July 1917
Rawlings, Frank Albert
S/N 231. Killed in Action
7 August 1915
Rawlings, J. Raybould, Ernest George.
S/N 2773. Killed in Action
c6 August 1916
Reader, Frank Frith.
S/N 2304. Killed in Action
31 August 1915
Reader, Sidney Stuart.
S/N 5186. Died of Wounds
15 February 1917
Reed, R. Reeve, W. Rehm, Ernest Frederick
S/N 4286
Reinhardt, K.
Retallack. Stanley James.
S/N 4432. Killed in Action
25 August 1918
Reynolds, Arthur
Rhodes, Louis Gordon
S/N 27010
Rhodes, Walter
S/N 1426
Ribe, Francis Christopher
S/N 7193
Rich, William Turton
S/N 1428
Richards, William Morgan
S/N 4527
Richardson, David M
S/N 6220
Richardson, H.L. Ridley, George.
S/N 2186. Died of Disease
19 July 1915
Riordan, David
S/N 3544
Roberts, C. Roberts, Edmund Henry
S/N 4867
Robertson, A. Robin, Thomas Alfred.
S/N 4216
Robinson, A. Robinson, B. Robinson, Harry Arthur.
S/N 3586. Killed in Action
29 March 1918
Robinson, Herbert Henry Walton.
S/N 2552. Killed in Action
20 August 1916
Robinson, W.A.
Robson, H.H.W. Rogers, George Alexander
S/N 3410
Rogers, Thomas Margin
S/N 4069
Roots, Walter James
S/N 1651
Rowe, Percy.
S/N 3627. Killed in Action
15 August 1916
Rowston, Aubrey Frederick John
S/N 1651
Runsett, W. Russell, A. Russell, C. Russell, H.
Russell, Walter James
S/N 972
Rutherford, A. Ryan, Dennis Ryan, J. Ryan, John
S/N 4286
Ryan, Eugene Joseph
S/N 972. Killed in Action
19 July 1916
Sagar, A. Sampson, William.
S/N 714. Killed in Action
2 May 1915
Sargant, Harold Marcus.
S/N 2655
Saunders, Ashely V.
S/N 5208
Schofield, James Edward
S/N 2835. Killed in Action
3 September 1916
Schofield, Thomas Frederick
S/N 4339
Schryver, Lester
S/N 4336
Schulze, Frederick Charles Mosman
S/N 2444
Scott, Alexander Scott, J.
Scott, J.S.R. Seaton, John
S/N 6150
Semple, William.
Died of Disease
22 March 1916
Shanahan, William
S/N 1858
Sharp, J.
Sharpe, Jack Broster
S/N 3355
Shea, Patrick Joseph
S/N 6481
Sherry, Herbert Henry
S/N 2396
Shilling, Alan
S/N 6761
Ship, P.
Shreen, Shurven Frederick Ernest
Simmons, F.S. Simons, Felix Leonard
S/N 4475
Skinner, Percy James.
S/N 1782. Killed in Action
29 July 1916
Sloan, James
S/N 3342
Sloggett, F. Sloggett, George Henry
S/N 6332
Smith, C.H. Smith, E.N.
Smith, Ernest Powell George
S/N 3156
Smith, F. Smith, H.W. Smith, J. Smith, Mervyn Whittenbury
S/N 2669. Killed in Action
3 September 1916
Snowball, William Henry
S/N 1267
Spargo, Randolph Cecil
S/N 2749
Spargo, Frederick William
S/N 7993
Spargo, Leslie Vernon
S/N 4894
Sparshott, Frank.
S/N 948. Died of Wounds
4 May 1915
Spencer, R. Spice, Roy Henry
S/N 2840
Spouse, Stanley Garfield
S/N 1862
Spruce, Henry Russell
S/N 3971
Stafford, Henry Harold
S/N 1303
Stansbury, W.H. Steipleman, W. Stephens, Henry
Stewart, Donald William
S/N 4299
Stewart, G.
Stockton, William Norman
S/N 2524
Stone, Ralph Herbert Jasper
S/N 2555
Stranger, R. Stubbs, Clifford
S/N 15127
Styles, Alfred Basil
S/N 6104
Styles, M. Alfred Sullivan, H. Summers, Alexander
S/N 3919
Swayne, J.
Taffs, F. Taylor, A. Taylor, F.F. Taylor, John Taylor, Rowland William Groves
S/N 5102
Taylor, W. Temby, Horace
S/N 1047
Tennant Eustace.
S/N 2417. Died
19 August 1916
Thomas, Arthur Glover Thomas, W.
Thompson, E. Thompson, Frank Thompson, Fred Thompson, Henry Thompson, Wm.
Threader, Victor John.
S/N 2032
Tolland, Frank
S/N 2006
Tomlinson, John Douglas.
S/N 2753. Killed in Action
9 May 1917
Tomlinson, Leonard
S/N 4560
Torrens, Robert
S/N 38
Townsend, A.G. Trenorden, Leonard Charles.
S/N 384. Killed in Action
c6 November 1916
Trevenen, Frank Birt
S/N 3315
Trevor, Lionel Frank
S/N 3758
Truebody, L.
Tuohy, Matthew William
S/N 5787
Turner, Leonard Woodward.
S/N 177. Died of Disease
27 July 1915
Turton, W.P. Tyler, George
S/N 1185
Wald, F. Waldock, Aubrey Charles
S/N W2534
Waldock, Herbert Harding
S/N 545
Walker, B. Walker, Ernest Percy
S/N 247. Killed in Action
25 April 1915
Walker, Frank
S/N 1857A
Walker, John Martin.
S/N 4620. Killed in August
10 August 1918
Walker, P. Walker, Richard Walsh, B.
Walsh, E.J. Walsh, William Walter, E. Walter, H.T. Walter, J.A.
Walter, Theodore
S/N 3145
Warburton, G. Warburton, J. Warburton, Peter Warburton, Phillip
Warburton, Rowland
S/N 5851
Ward, Francis Goodwin
S/N 4927
Ward, Thomas Leonard.
S/N 1859. Died of Wounds
10 August 1915
Warner, Roy Stanley
S/N 7068
Warren, F.
Warren, John
S/N 4289. Killed in Action
22 October 1917
Warren, Joseph Waterhouse, Alec
S/N 4249
Waterhouse, Francis James
S/N 3504
Waterson, C.A.
Watson, George Herbert
S/N 1652. Died of Illness
18 February 1916
Watson, James Harrold
S/N W18576
Watson, J.S. Watson, R.George Watson, Thomas
S/N 984
Watt, Reginald Edwin
S/N 5446. Killed in Action
3 May 1917
Watts, R. Webber, S. Webster, H. Webster, R.
Wedd, Charles Gordon.
S/N 2330. Killed in Action
3 September 1916
Weeks, T. Weight, H. Wells, C. Wells, R.
West, A.G. Wheat, T.B. White, William
S/N 3438
Whitford, Lewis Edmund.
Whitford, R.B.
Whitford, Roy Victor.
S/N 3449. Killed in Action
6 October 1917
WiIliams, J.H. Williamson, R. Williamson, W Willmott, James
S/N 5226. Died of Wounds
6 September 1918
Wills, A.J. Willy, S. Wilson, A. Wilson, F. Wilson, John Clements
S/N 5465
Wilson, L. Winscombe, E.E. Wintle, Walter
S/N 5465
Wisconsin, Frank Withers, E.L.
Wood, Frank Wood, J.E. Wood, K.B. Wood, Robert Menzies
S/N 1800
Wood, W.G.
Woodcock, Leslie Norman
S/N 1800
Woolenough, S, Woollams, Frederick Willaim.
S/N 3960. Died of Wounds
31 August 1916
Worrall, F. Worrell, J.
Wotherspoon, John Arthur Ferguson.
S/N 1210. Killed in Action
7 January 1917
Wright, Ivo Robert.
S/N 1801. Killed in Action
9 April 1918
Youge.H.V. Young, C. Young, John Young, Robert Charles
S/N 2538
Young, William Thomas Raymond
S/N 2837
Zerk, Alfred Ernest
S/N 7095

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