Headstone Transcriptions

Loch Ard Shipwreck

Transcribed by Lorraine Larment
from photographs provided by Ivan Burgess.

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In memory of the 52 people who died when the "Loch Ard" sank on 1 June 1878.
Only four bodies were recovered - those of Mrs. Evory Carmichael, Miss Raby Carmichael, Arthur Mitchell and Reginald Jones. These were placed in coffins made from timber washed up in Loch Ard Gorge and buried in this cemetery. A cross of spars from the wreckage was erected over the graves and this was later replaced with headstones.

ANDERSON, Henry. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard
ARCHER, C. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard
ATKINSON, Ernest A. Third Mate on the Loch Ard

BAXTER, George. Second Mate on the Loch Ard
BROKS, John. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard

CAMERON, Charles. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard
CARMICHAEL, Annie - Passenger on the Loch Ard - Headstone photo available
CARMICHAEL, Evory - Passenger on the Loch Ard - Headstone photo available
CARMICHAEL, Evory. Dr. - Passenger on the Loch Ard - Headstone photo available
CARMICHAEL, Margaret - Passenger on the Loch Ard - Headstone photo available
CARMICHAEL, Mrs. Evory - Passenger on the Loch Ard - Headstone photo available
CARMICHAEL, Rebecca (Raby) - Passenger on the Loch Ard - Headstone photo available
CARMICHAEL, Thomas - Passenger on the Loch Ard - Headstone photo available
CHINN, George. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard
CLAZ, George. Steward on the Loch Ard

DONOHUE, Henry. Engine Driver on the Loch Ard

EGAN, John. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard
EVIDEL, Able Seaman on the Loch Ard

FINCHAM, E. F. Ordinary Seaman on the Loch Ard
FOX, Robert. Sailmaker on the Loch Ard
FREEMAN, George. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard

GEMILY, J. M. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard
GIBB, George. Captain of the Loch Ard
GILES, Roland. Cook on the Loch Ard
GODBY, W. R - Passenger on the Loch Ard
GRANGOEST, A. M. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard

HESDTOR, Thomas. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard
HUNT, R. Boatswain on the Loch Ard

JOHNSTON, John. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard
JOHNSTON, William. Lamp Trimmer on the Loch Ard
JONES, Reginald - Passenger on the Loch Ard - Headstone photo available

KING, Joseph. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard
KING, Thomas. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard

LEGG, William. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard

MC LAUCHLAN, Thomas. First Mate on the Loch Ard
MITCHELL, Arthur - Passenger on the Loch Ard - Headstone photo available
MUNAY, Magnus. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard

NEIL, G. M. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard

PATTERSON, William - Passenger on the Loch Ard
PITTS, Thomas - Passenger on the Loch Ard

RALF, Herbert - Passenger on the Loch Ard
RANCIE (RUNCIE), James. Carpenter on the Loch Ard
ROLLESTON, Gerald - Passenger on the Loch Ard

SMITH, George. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard
SPICER, William. Second Steward on the Loch Ard
STEPHENSON, W. H. Apprentice on the Loch Ard.
STRASENBERGH, Robert. Apprentice on the Loch Ard
STUCKEY, John - Passenger on the Loch Ard
STUCKEY, Mrs. John - Passenger on the Loch Ard

WOOD, James. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard
WRIGHT, William. Able Seaman on the Loch Ard

YATES, George - Passenger on the Loch Ard

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