Headstone Transcriptions


Transcribed by Lorraine Larment
from photographs taken by Val Beck.
I do not wish to offend anyone by listing this information on the website, as the work is done with the best intentions of providing vital information to family historians. All the information shown here is on public display at the respective cemeteries.
I have made every effort to be as accurate as possible. If you find any errors, please CLICK HERE

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BAWDEN , Betty. . 24 September 1928 - 13 March 1999
BAWDEN , Florence . 7 December 1989 . Aged 93 years
BAWDEN , H I S. . 25 May 1965 . Aged 76 years
BAWDEN , Percival William . 15 December 1922 - 14 September 2005
BRAY , Charles Percival . 1905 - 1993
BRAY , Gladys Hazel . 1909 - 1983
BRERETON , Frederick Clarence . 6 January 1900 - 24 April 1969
BRERETON , John James . 19 May 1904 - 12 January 1994
BRERETON , Kate . 31 March 1905 - 26 August 1993
CARROLL , Charlotte Victoria. . 1906 - 1994
CARROLL , John Matthew . 1895 - 1981
DONOHUE , James . 1 July 1929 . Aged 68 years
DONOHUE , Margaret. . 29 April 1926 . Aged 54 years
DONOHUE , Mary Jane. . 28 December 1957 . Aged 67 years
DORMAN , Ada Ellenor . 23 March 1995 . Aged 98 years
DORMAN , Harry William . 17 May 1988 . Aged 91 years
FARRELL , James Francis . 19 February 1918 - 20 December 1983
FRASER , Christopher . 6 September 1968 - 10 September 1988
HINCHLIFFE , Raymond Archie. . 20 November 1977 . Aged 73 years
HIPWELL , Albert George . 1911 - 1987
HIPWELL , Angus William . 24 November 2004 . Aged 91 years
HIPWELL , Ann Elizabeth . 7 February 1965 . Aged 81 years
HIPWELL , Arthur Ernest . 19 January 1922 - 24 September 1991
HIPWELL , Betty Lorraine . 26 June 1924 - 17 May 2003
HIPWELL , Edna Fanny Isobel . 11 March 1913 - 25 December 1991
HIPWELL , Elsie Margaret . 18 September 1923 - 24 September 2003
HIPWELL , George Arthur. . 3 July 1968 . Aged 84 years
HIPWELL , Ken. . 25 August 1990 . Aged 70 years
HIPWELL , Olive . 25 May 1984 . Aged 69 years
HIPWELL , Reginald Joseph . 13 June 1987 . Aged 68 years
HIPWELL , William Raymond . 29 July 1915 - 31 December 1969
LLEONART , John Joseph. . 14 July 1975 . Aged 73 years
LLEONART , Vera Jessie . - 26 August 1977
LOWRIE , Robin James . 4 September 1971 - 11 April 1992
LUCAS , Kevin James . 30 June 1935 - 8 June 2001
MORGAN , Barbara Catherine May . - 4 March 1915
MORGAN , Beatrice. . 3 September 1959 . Aged 77 years
MORGAN , Eric Ernest . 15 November 1920 - 2 February 1978
MORGAN , John. . 11 January 1939 . Aged 55 years
MORGAN , Leonard Philip . 21 February 1910 - 6 August 2000
MORGAN , Olive May (née Pearson) . 26 May 1922 - 15 November 1978
MORGAN , Sandra Lorraine. . 15 September 1968 . Aged 3 ½ years
PAUL , Andrew Lawrence. . 13 March 2000 . Aged 20 years
PEARCE , J J . 31 January 1963 . Aged 69 years
PEARCE , Myrtle Frances. . 24 May 1980 . Aged 87 years
PEATLING , Unknown . -
PHYLAND , Mary Eileen. en.
. 14 December 1997 . Aged 82 years
PHYLAND , Patrick Howard. . 28 November 1982 . Aged 73 years
POWELL , Ewen John. . 22 July 1968 . Aged 63 years
POWELL , Margaret Mary . 29 June 1912 - 23 June 1993
QUINN , Margaret Jean. . 13 July 1987 . Aged 59 years
QUINN , Michael Francis . 19 January 1976 . Aged 56 years
QUINN , Richard James. . 10 January 1989 . Aged 69 years
TRACEY , Charles John. . 3 May 1983 . Aged 73 years
TRACEY , Dorothy Constance . 2 December 1985 . Aged 68 years
TURNER , Masie Victoria. . 16 August 1990 . Aged 72 years

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