Headstone Transcriptions

Springton, Friedensberg Cemetery

Transcribed by Lorraine Larment
from photos provided by Steve and Marylin Jones.

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BAUMANN , F. W . 1 June 1818 - 10 June 1890
BAUMANN , Friedrich Gustav . 10 April 1854 - 17 May 1904
BAUMANN , Johanna . 2 October 1831 - 31 August 1901
BAUMANN , Johannis Ferdinand . 11 November 1862 - 10 April 1887
BROKATE , Auguste . 1 September 1834 - 27 July 1909
BROKATE , Johanne Hermine . 20 August 1876 - 19 June 1922

DROEGEMUELLER , Emma E . 17 November 1941 . Aged 78 years
DROEGEMUELLER , Emma Maria Lina . 8 April 1870 - 7 March 1930
DROEGEMUELLER , Gustav August .
DROEGEMUELLER , H. Gustav . 6 August 1942 . Aged 83 years
DROEGEMUELLER , Heinrich . 13 August 1835 - 2 February 1919
DROEGEMUELLER , Hulda M D . 13 August 1962 . Aged 79 years
DROEGEMUELLER , Johanne . 8 October 1839 - 19 December 1915
DROEGEMUELLER , W. August . 17 March 19?? . Aged 59 years
DROEGEMUELLER , Wilhelm Diedrich . 30 July 1812 - 23 April 1884?
DROEGEMUELLER , Wilhelmine M . 26 August 1947 . Aged 90 years

EISEN , Dorothea . 1826 - 1901

GALLAS , Friedrich . 6 February 1828 - 9 November 1908
GALLAS , Friedrich . 6 February 1828 - 9 November 1908
GALLAS , Johanne Louise . 25 October 1827 - 6 October 1898
GERHARDY , J. W. H . 5 November 1831 - 26 July 1897

HERBIG , Anna Caroline . 2 February 1840 - 19 March 1927
HERBIG , Anna Rosina . 1808 - 1870
HERBIG , Edwin . 6 August 1907 - 31 October 1907
HERBIG , Emma Mathilde . 1864 - March 1908
HERBIG , Ernst Albert . 19 September 1877 - 22 ??? 1906
HERBIG , H. Gustav . 23 March 1867 - 14 September 1923
HERBIG , J. F . 8 April 1862 - 10 November 1924
HERBIG , J. Heinrich . 10 April 1856 - 9 May 1927
HERBIG , Johann August . 4 August 1859 - 2 October 1930
HERBIG , Johann Friedrich . 1886
HERBIG , Johann Reinhold . 26 December 1923 . Aged 66 years
HERBIG , Johann Wilhelm . 30 September 1860 - 18 June 1905
HERBIG , Johanne Ernstine . 29 June 1947 . Aged 74 years
HERBIG , Lydia Emma (née Schirmer) . 2 June 1871 - 13 July 1917
HERBIG , Mathilde Lydia . 9 April 1865 - 17 March 1950
HERBIG , Robert Edwin Theodor . 21 January 1900 - 16 ??? 1908

KLAU , Anna Elisabeth . 9 September 1867 - 14 December 1904
KLAU , Clara Caroline . 28 June 1877 - 8 May 1903
KLAU , Ida Amanda . 19 August 1870 - 27 January 1905
KLAU , Rudolph Joshua . 8 February 1838 - 9 August 1906
KLINGBERG , M. A . 12 July 1936 . Aged 72 years
KLUSKE , Norman Gustav Victor . 4 March 1905 - 29 October 1906
KRÖHN , Andreas . 8 September 1803 - 16 February 1890
KUCHEL , Auguste Bertha . 20 January 1862 - 29 ??? 1919
KUCHEL , Carl Friedrich . 3 May 1852 - 16 July 1927
KUCHEL , Johann Friedrich . 28 March 1887
KUCHEL , Johanna Rosina . 17 July 1825 - 2 November 1893

LABLACH , Agnes Martha Amalie . 27 October 1884 - 11 August 1928
LABLACH , Carl Paul Theador . 15 September 1886 - 20 August 1950
LABLACH , Carl Ruben . 12 July 1928 - 26 September 1939
LABLACH , Clara . 10 November 1881 - 5 September 1946
LABLACH , Mathilde . 24 June 1883 - 31 January 1939
LABLACH , Selma Helene . 25 September 1901 - 23 September 1985
LABLACH , Wilhelmine Errnestine Henriette (née Rattei) . 8 December 1854 - 9 July 1928
LAUBE , Christiane . 5 December 1823 - 22 April 1896
LAUBE , Edna . 24 May 1914 - 17 April 1918
LAUBE , Johann Gottfried . 8 January 1795 - 28 July 1862
LAUBE , Rhoda . 10 September 1915 - 17 April 1918
LINDNER , Johanna Karoline . 1865
LOECHEL , Johanna Augusta . 22 December 1844 - 16 August 1899
LORKE , August Reinhold . 7 November 1858 - 9 August 1908

PIETSCH , Lydia Elizabeth . 8 December 1875 . Aged 7 years

RATTEI , Amanda Emma . 16 April 1936 . Aged 65 years
RATTEI , Erdmann . 8 August 1824 - 13 December 1893
RATTEI , Johann August . 12 January 1938 . Aged 76 years
RATTEI , Louise . 3 May 1824 - 8 February 1912
RATTEI , Wilhelm .
RATTEY , Anna Elizabeth . 22 December 1819 - 26 February 1898
RATTEY , Anna Pauline . 6 January 1856 - 11 March 1879
RATTEY , Heinrich . 13 February 1891 - 16 April 1891
RATTEY , Johann Friedrich . 10 June 1818 - 2 December 1890
RATTEY , Wilhelm Emmanuel . 26 March 1847 - 28 June 1882
ROHPLATH , Albert . . Aged 2 weeks
ROHPLATH , Alma Rosalia . 16 May 1885 - 6 March 1918
ROHPLATH , Bertha . 24 August 1931 . Aged 78 years
ROHPLATH , Gustav Adolph . 14 October 1860 - 23 April 1920
RUCHS , Auguste . 29 January 1859 - 19 November 1889

SCHULZ , Carl Erdmann . 26 December 1840 - 24 July 1916
SCHULZ , Ernst Eduard . 22 July 1874 - 6 April 1875
SCHULZ , F. William . 6 December 1872 - 21 December 1947
SCHULZ , Henriette Eleonora Gertrud . 24 December 1845 - 20 July 1900
SCHULZ , J. A. Clara . 26 February 1870 - 8 February 1924
SCHULZ , Johann Gottfried . 2 March 1801 - 17 May 1886
SCHULZ , Johann Gottfried . 2 March 1801 - 17 May 1886
SCHULZ , Johannes Carl . 16 May 1870
SCHULZ , Louise (née Böhm) . 22 May 1809 - 13 September 1867
SCHULZ , Roy Theodore . 9 July 1925 - 3 August 1991
SEIDEL , Emil . 1863 - 1902
SEMLER , Johann Gottlireb . 31 September 1819 - 12 November 1895
SEMLER , Melba Glades . 17 August 1911 . Aged 8 months
SEMMLER , Anna Julianna (née Nörenberg) . 28 November 1834 - 13 October 1909
SEMMLER , C. Ernestine . 23 October 1852 - 16 April 1926
SEMMLER , G. Edwin (DoW) . 19 September 1918 . Aged 28 years
SEMMLER , L. Alfred . 28 January 1888 . Aged 4 months
STANDISH , S. Andreas . 2 July 1922 . Aged 67 years
STARCK , Anna . 2 July 1820 - 1 May 1854
STARICK , Friedrich Wilhelm . 26 August 1829 - 22 May 1922
STARICK , J. Traugott . 1835 - 28 October 1910
STARICK , Maria . 4 June 1831 - 10 April 1922

ULBRICH , Wilhelm Gustav . 15 November 1880 - 11 November 1901

WENSKE , Johanne Pauline . 25 August 1875 . Aged 27 years
WESTPHALEN , Arthur . 16 June 1930 . Aged 30 years

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