Headstone Transcriptions

Lock Cemetery - partial

Transcribed by Lorraine Larment
from photographs taken by Marylin and Steve Jones

I do not wish to offend anyone by listing this information on the website, as the work is done with the best intentions of providing vital information to family historians. All the information shown here is on public display at the respective cemeteries.
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BAKER , Colin Finders. Husband of Thelma, Father of Patricia, Verdun and Bernice . 29 March 1974 . Aged 61 years
BAKER , Thelma Marguerita. Wife of Colin, Mother of Verdun and Bernice . 7 July 1987 . Aged 80 years
BARKER , G. G. F . 30 May 1977 . Aged 71 years
BEARD , Fred . 12 August 1972 . Aged 76 years
BEARD , Robert Claire. Husband of Mary Rae . 8 March 2000 . Aged 72 years
BEINKE , Brian Ralph. Son of Ralph and Freda . 5 July 1981 . Aged 24 years
BRITZA , Anna. Wife of Martin, Mother of Ron (dec), Mervyn, Raelene and Reg . 20 January 1996 . Aged 80 years
BRITZA , Martin. Husband of Anna, Father of Ron (dec), Mervyn, Raelene and Reg . 18 January 1993 . Aged 85 years
BRITZA , Ronald Maxwell. Son of Martin and Annie . 8 September 1976 . Aged 37 years
BROWN , Cecilia. Wife of Harold, Mother of Eileen, Kathleen, Carmel, Patrick and Eunice . 15 December 1970 . Aged 73 years
BROWN , Harold Joseph Husband of Ellen, Father of Aileen, Kathleen, Carmel, Patrick and Eunice . 10 June 1976 . Aged 76 years
BRYANT , A. E . 11 May 1945
BURROWS , Anna Rosina. Wife of Walter Frederick, Mother of Patricia, Leith and Noel . 8 June 1943 . Aged 42 years
BURROWS , Leith Anthony. Husband of Loris Scott, Father of Anne and Ian . 24 June 2004? . Aged 74 years
BURROWS , Walter Frederick. Husband of Anna Rosina, Father of Patricia, Leith and Noel . 4 May 1957 . Aged 66 years
BYRON , Vera Myrtle. Wife of Bill, Mother of Helen and Elaine (dec) . 8 June 2012 . Aged 101 years
BYRON , William Peter. Husband of Peter, Father of Helen and Elaine . 28 November 1980 . Aged 72 years

CABOT , Robert Lewis. Husband of Barbara, Father of Jan, Lynette and Ian . 22 April 1968 . Aged 39 years
CARRICK , Laura Anna. Wife of Claude Godfrey, Mother of Melville,Mina and Betty . 19 December 1934 . Aged 37 years

DAWSON , Edward. Husband of Maria . 25 June 1950 . Aged 91 years
DAWSON , Maria Louisa. Wife of Edward . 16 June 1977? . Aged 72 years
DAWSON , Robert Victor . 26 July 1948 . Aged 58 years
DEARMAN , James Cullege. Husband of Joan Elaine Ruth, Father of Steven, Lyle, Tanya and Amanda . 30 November 2009 . Aged 69 years
DENNIS , Enid Miriam. Mother of John, Barry, Helen, Joy and Christine . 5 January 1913 - 28 April 1992
DENNIS , Harold Edwin. Father of John, Barry, Helen, Joy and Christine . 13 March 1907 - 14 August 1994

EICHNER , Calvin Gene. Husband of Pauline, Father of John, Dale, Jacqui and Corrie . 14 May 1935 - 30 April 1998
EICHNER , Conrad E. Husband of Dorrie, Father of Calvin, Tony, Josie, Colleen, Kerry, Linton and Des . 13 November 1975 . Aged 65 years
EICHNER , Doris E. Wife of Con, Mother of Calvin, Tony, Josie, Colleen, Kerry, Linton and Des . 16 July 1997 . Aged 86 years
EICHNER , Edwin Eichner . 27 March 1951 . Aged 66 years
EICHNER , Martha Emma . 21 March 1948 . Aged 57 years
ELSON , Donald Edward. Husband of Glenice Shirley . 19 June 2000 . Aged 65 years

FAHEY , Johanna Margaret . 29 July 1938 . Aged 64 years
FLAVEL , Cecil Gordon. Husband of Dorothy Matilda, Father of Bill, Betty, John, Frederick, Edward, Irene and Linda . 29 April 1976 . Aged 67 years
FLAVEL , Dorothy Matilda. Wife of Cecil Gordon, Mother of Bill, Betty, John, Frederick, Edward, Irene and Linda . 20 June 1987 . Aged 66 years

GATES , Trevor William. Son of Brian and Leona . 11 July 1965 - 14 June 1987
GREEN , Annie Jane . 28 December 1950 . Aged 79 years
GREEN , Benjamin . 15 May 1948 . Aged 78 years

HANSEN , Colin J. Husband of Betty, Father of Kay and Lee . 9 February 1926 - 2 July 2004
HANSEN , Coral Joy. Daughter of Frank and Elsie . 11 March 1940 . Aged 2 years 11 months
HANSEN , Frank Earl. Husband of Elsa, Father of Coral (dec) and Ethel, Margaret and Brian . 3 August 1978 . Aged 69 years
HETZEL , Alwina Caroline. Wife of EC, Mother of Emma, Mary, Ben, Alma, Otto, Laura and Anna . 3 April 1943 . Aged 81 years
HETZEL , Bernhard? H . 11 February 1973 . Aged 80 years
HETZEL , Carl G. Husband of Mary Rosalia . 24 April 1924 . Aged years
HETZEL , Emily May. Wife of Ben, Mother of Maurice and Gordon . 11 June 1975 . Aged 82 years
HETZEL , Ernst Gottlieb
HETZEL , Irene. Wife of DE, Mother of Keith and Marjory . 22 June 1940 . Aged 49 years
HETZEL , Otto Ernst. Husband of Dorothy, Father of Keith and Marjorie . 28 October 1969 . Aged 73 years
HETZEL , Thora Elizabeth. Wife of Ernrest Keith . 25 February 1956 . Aged 33 years
HITCHCOCK , Helena Mary. Wife of Stanley, Mother of William . 26 February 1973 . Aged 70 years
HITCHCOCK , Stanley C. Husband of Helena, Father of William . 26 March 1967 . Aged 73 years
HOLMAN , Myrtle Malvina (née Earl, Wife of Cedric William, Mother of Cynthia, Syd, Barry, Ian and Kingsley . 26 June 1922 - 1 March 2003
HOLMAN , Yvonne Alison. Daughter of Thomas Arthur and Olive Alice . 5 May 1951 . Aged 15 years
HUPPATZ , Mary Wilhelmine. Wife of Ernest August, Mother of Roy . 26 June 1948? . Aged 59 years

SEARLE , Roy Edward. Husband of Anne, Father of Mark, Anna, Paul and Jillian . 12 August 1978 . Aged 28 February 1900 years

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