Headstone Transcriptions

Angas Valley Cemetery

Transcribed by Lorraine Larment
from photographs taken by Marylin and Steve Jones

I do not wish to offend anyone by listing this information on the website, as the work is done with the best intentions of providing vital information to family historians. All the information shown here is on public display at the respective cemeteries.
I have made every effort to be as accurate as possible. If you find any errors, please CLICK HERE

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ARNOLD , Gottlieb Wilhelm . 30 March 1891 - 6 May 1893 . Aged years
ARNOLD , Heinrich Albert . 10 March 1889 - 15 March 1894 . Aged years
ARNOLD , Johann Gottlob . 14 April 1822 - 14 April 1892 . Aged years
BECKMANN , Anna . 2 September 1856 - 20 November 1893 . Aged years
BOTTROFF , Helene Bertha . 7 February 1878 - 9 April 1913 . Aged years
ELLIKER , John Henry . - 1 November 1901 . Aged 43 years 8 months
FALKENBERG , Ernst Gottleib . - 27 June 1896 . Aged 42 years
HAMDORF , Gottlieb . - 27 September 1911 . Aged years
HAMDORF , Maria (née Stelzer) . 2 December 1851 - 16 September 1897 . Aged years
HERBIG , Carl Otto . 5 February 1897 - 18 August 1899 . Aged years
HERBIG , Gustav Adolph . 10 September 1895 - 24 December 1895 . Aged years
HERBIG , Heinrich Oscar . 17 April 1899 - 26 August 1899 . Aged years
KLUGE , Herbert Gustav . 22 April 1905 - 4 November 1908 . Aged years
LEISHMAN , Warren . - 20 March 2017 . Aged years
QUAST , Alwine Selma . 23 September 1898 - 13 December 1898 . Aged years
QUAST , Carl Edwin . 3 September 1902 - 10 June 1905 . Aged years
QUAST , Ernstine Wilhelmine . 4 November 1835 - 8 September 1906 . Aged years
RETTKE , Heinrich Albert . 29 November 1892 - 16 August 1899 . Aged years
ROCHOW , Berthold Hugo . 16 November 1898 - 24 July 1900 . Aged years
SCHRÖDER , Johann Friedrich Wilhelm . 7 January 1833 - 5 June 1910 . Aged years
SCHROEDER , F August . - 29 October 1923 . Aged 52 years
SCHROEDER , Johanne Caroline (née Kroehn) . 21 October 1840 - 5 February 1926 . Aged years
SCHROEDER , M Louise . - 31 August 1955 . Aged 76 years
STENGERT , Charlotte (née Eichberg) ) (buried Tamworth NSW) . 1818 - 24 August 1910 . Aged years
STENGERT , Ernst Bernhard . 26 July 1890 - 26 October 1891 . Aged years
STENGERT , Vincent . 8 May 1811 - 10 January 1894 . Aged years
WIEBRECHT , Johann Friedrich . - 9 August 1891 . Aged 52 years

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